There are many ways to assist Tech Valley High. Several are listed below, but we also welcome new and innovative partnerships.
Host an I-Term student
In February, all students spend time in businesses learning about careers in fields of their choosing.
I-term enables individual interaction between students and area professionals and allows students to gain a realistic understanding of an industry or field of study.
Host a field work or project-based learning visit
Field work replaces traditional field trips at Tech Valley High. In field work, students frequently visit businesses to see firsthand how what they are learning in the classroom is used in the real world.
Create projects and develop curriculum
Eight to 10 projects are run in each class throughout the school year. Ideally there is a business partner for each project. Business professionals are involved in co-designing the projects and providing input on project topics that make “real world” connections; co-teaching, guiding and participating in classroom workshops; and co-assessing/evaluating student’s work and providing feedback.
Be a guest speaker
Experts are frequently invited into the classroom to talk with students about aspects of their business or areas of expertise that relate to the subject matter being taught.