2024 Tech Valley High School Graduation

Congratulations to the TVHS Class of 2024! This year’s class had 31 graduates and 2 students earned their Associate’s Degree from Hudson Valley Community College. We are proud of our class and wish them luck in the future!

The graduation ceremony was held at the University at Albany Performing Arts Center and featured:

  • Alumni Address by Alyssa Decker, TVHS Alumn from the Class of 2015
  • Commencement Address by Jim May, CEO of New Tech Network
  • Address by Andrew Roberts, Director of High School programs at Hudson Valley Community College
  • Student Speakers Amy Bizer, Sadie Weatherwax, Alivia Kaelber, Matt Shader, and LayJonna Sampson

See below for pictures of the day and a video highlighting stories from the TVHS Class of 2024. Congratulations to all of our graduates and their families!