2022 Tech Valley Graduation

Congratulations to the Tech Valley Class of 2022! This year’s class had 37 graduates and 2 students who earned their associate’s degree from Excelsior College.  We are so proud of all of our students. Best of luck to the class of 2022 in their future endeavors 

  • Commencement Address by Cody Bellair, TVHS Alum from the Class of 2012
  • Address by Catherine Seaver, Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Excelsior College
  • Remarks by Dr. Gladys Cruz and Anita Murphy, District Superintendent’s from Questar III and Capital Region BOCES
  • Student Speakers Kali Soltano and Kambel Hoffman
  • Total of 867 College Credits earned by our seniors, an average of 23.




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